Saturday, February 28, 2015

February Pet of the Month: Pumpkin, the catwalk kitten!

Pumpkin in a bowl made by her "mom" (how adorable is that?)

Beauty statement: Tabby, ginger and white gloves!
Here's our pet of the month: Adorable, needless to say cute, and feisty two-years old, Pumpkin. She was chosen by Petzi Team not just because she looks like a pet model of all catwalk models, having shades of tabby, ginger and white on her coat. But also because she loves to hide in a Petzi Treat Cam box and eats broccoli as snack! As we say here at Petzila's HQ, behind every wonderful pet there are awesome pet parents.

Pumpkin was picked by Carol and her son Austin when they saw her on their local shelter website. Austin convinced Carol to have a cat. She was at first hesitant, as she never had a cat before. So, in Carol's words, there was a "bit of a learning curve". Pumpkin was already named as Pumpkin and Carol and Austin thought that was a fair name for the munchkin... After visiting her a couple of times they realized she was the one. And being not the most friendly creature on Earth or even that she was sick as she was being treated from a respiratory infection, she was still the one. "She was not very friendly (understatement) but there was just something about her that captured our hearts.", Carol explains.

On the rat race
Carol describes Pumpkin as "curious, determined, talkative with unbridled energy once she gets going". And if you have a female cat you'll know that there's a price for their unique demonstration of love. As Carol describes, "there's the occasional nip and swat". Although  Pumpkin doesn’t do hugs or like to be picked up, she will lie on Carol's lap and enjoys to be petted, and will even "tolerate a kiss on her head."  But she has a weak spot: Pumpkin becomes a purring machine when she gets a good brushing.

It's a mice world!
I would also call Pumpkin a foodie: She likes both wet and dry food, especially salmon dinner. Temptations treats are her favorite. Ands she loves anything cheesy! And because Carol was curious "as a cat" to search for healthy options, she found out that Pumpkin loves broccoli florets. But bare with me. Not just any broccoli... It has to be frozen florets steamed, of course, to her taste.

Pumpkin loves her extensive collection of mice and rat play things and her custom-made catwalk. She hates the word NO.

One of her favorites cardboard boxes: Petziconnect
Q&A with Pumpkin
Who are the humans you own in the family?

Pumpkin and Carol, her human #1
Carol (my main human) now that Austin is away at college in Utah. When he comes home for summer break he will be back to No. 1 human.  And, Andy (Carol's husband) who is sneaky and likes to play with me with his magic laser pointer.

Do you prefer Garfield, Puss in Boots (Shrek's version) or Felix the cat?

Garfield is most like me. 

Would you share your home with another cat? What about a dog? Or a hamster? 

The house is my castle. I do not share it with any other animals.

Do you prefer to chill out inside cardboard boxes or sinks? 

I have three cardboard boxes that are to die for, especially my Petzi box.

Her first Human #1, Austin

When it comes to sleep... your humans' bed or somewhere else? 

I sleep on my human’s bed – nestled on top of the covers up against her legs.

If your meow was a human voice, would it sound like Taylor Swift, Madonna, Lady Gaga or Ella Fitzgerald? 

Taylor Swift for the win!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Water Sign February 20 – March 20

By Pet-o-Sirius*

“Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet.” – Colette
 (p.s. unless they can fly or have gills) – Kent

Pisces are lovely creatures: sensitive, compassionate and devoted.

You, Pisces dog might graciously give up your kibble to a Persian feline or box turtle if the situation warrants it.

Because you are highly emotional, your pet parents might have to do a lot of calming and soothing if your feathers are ruffled or if you are a pet donkey or iguana, then an apology might be in order. On the other hand you are a pet that likes to get up and go and to do things. It could be you would even like to go to Lake Louise. Make no mistake, however, because you see life as you want it to be, not quite the way it really is.

You do not actually like criticism, are easily led and you are not a leader. You will follow at every opportunity. The Pisces sign is two fish swimming in different directions: This fits because you vacillate between the real world and the spiritual. Sometimes when you dream you can see yourself running, jumping and leaping, paws flailing in at least two directions.

You relate very well to people, make friends easily at the ballpark or in a tree (birds excepted for the feline folk) and are easy going and well. You are sensual, enjoy sucking on your own toes if you have them and relish relaxing foot massage, even without ambiance like candles and fragrant oils. Neptune and Jupiter are your planets and because of your gentle nature and your affinity to water, you love soft sea green. Your birthstone is the Aquamarine. You, pets in the Pisces Constellation have the distinction of coming and going at the same time.

*Our guest writer's work can be seen at

Friday, February 13, 2015

Cardboard Boxes are Cats' Security Blankets

By Anna Muggiati

If you are still looking for a Valentine's treat to give to your feline friend, look no further! It will cost close to nothing and it might be right before your eyes!

Mine or yours? (Tigre and Pantera)
Mine is better (Juju and Panda)

Pantera, guess who is going to peek-a-boo you?

There are situations in life that may give you the urge to hide somewhere. Right?....  I would run as fast as I could and "vanish" inside a cardboard box every time that I felt threatened, insecure, fearful, inadequate, cold or just looking for comfort. Apparently, cats have known this relaxing "enclosure" technique since their goddess-like days in Egypt, when they would probably hide in other type of receptacles. And that's probably why they just can't resist a fresh box that has just been delivered with something, ready to be filled with their fluffiness.

Being the proud mom of two senior cats and grandma of three kittens I wasn't surprised when a Utrecht University study, published at the end of last year, hit the headlines last week. A curious mind at Wired magazine went to investigate why cats love cardboard boxes (and anything else they think they might fit into). Because of that article, cats were again on the headlines of big newspapers.

The study made by Claudia Vinke (Vet Department Utrecht University) was published in Applied Animal Behavior Science. It was based on the observation of 10 cats in shelters showed to be less stressed when using boxes to chill out, making their adaptation in the shelter smoother than the 9 cats which didn't have a box to hide. Isn't it a lovely way to reuse boxes?

Juju was found in a box when she was abandoned. Now she still loves them.
Previous studies had related the "cat in the box" situation with other factors, such as a very smart way of keep warmth. As most of us know, cardboard boxes might be just the cheapest and coziest way to have thermal protection. and something that the guys at most feral cats specialists have known about for a long time, and use them also as a emergency shelter to protect felines from winter, as you can read here. 

Dada, our oldest cat, is one that loves to sleep in a very special roofed cat bed: a comfy regular bed inside a cardboard box. Cardboard boxes are a very special hideaway for our 4-month old kittens. Panda, Tigre and Pantera love to hide and then spook the others when inside. A very funny peek-a-boo game. Ready to share your cat-in-the-box photos? Please post them to our social site: